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Admissions and Registrar



Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College is committed to an “Open Door” admission policy for all of its programs ad does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, or age. Further, SCTC will not deny access to an otherwise qualified student on the basis of that applicant’s mental or physical disability.




Registration is the process of selecting a course of study and officially enrolling for a class or classes. Dates for student registration are specified in the college calendar. Administrative staff assists with the process. Students register for courses each semester. Course schedules for each academic session are available in the SCTC administrative office and on the college Website ( Regular registration dates and late registration dates are posted on the “Academic Calendar.” (A late registration fee will be applied.) The student is responsible for accurately completing the registration form and submitting it to the Registrar by the registration deadline listed on the “Academic Calendar.”


General Admission Requirements


All students seeking admission must complete an admissions questionnaire form (available in the SCTC administration office) and submit related admissions documents. These materials will be placed in student admission files and will not be returned. New SCTC applicants are required to provide the following forms and documents:

  • Admissions question

  • Proof of graduation form an accredited high school, or a copy of high school transcripts, or proof of General Education Development (GED) completion.

  • Transcripts from all colleges previously attended; students are responsible for requesting that transcripts be sent to the Registrar.

  • Proof of Tribal Enrollment or letter of tribal affiliation (if applicable).

  • Drivers license or state ID, and Social Security Card

  • Degrees can not be conferred unless files are complete.


Dual Enrollment


High school students who have earned at least fourteen credits in high school and have written approval from a parent or legal guardian, high school counselor, and the Dean of Instruction and Student Services may also enroll as special status students. Such special status students may not take more than three semester hours of college credit per semester. Courses completed by Special Status students may not be counted for college credit, or toward a degree, until high school graduation, or completion of GED. Transfer institutions may or may not accept dual enrollment credit.


Additional Resources and forms

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